The fear project that had the most impact on me was Leigh Fields story about her debt. I couldn't imagine the amount of stress and fear she is going through. Her story was one night she was driving then saw that a light was about to go red. She tried to make the light be she hit a pedestrian on the way there. Now she is being sued for tons of money and to make matters worse they found an open container of alcohol in her car.
This story really impacts me because it shows what could happen if you don't pay attention what's on the road for a split second. Several times when I have been driving I realize that I may have done something stupid but I got lucky and nothing happened, but now I know I have to be more careful. What also impacts me is the fear of the amount of debt she owes. I have some student loans and sometimes I really worry about how I may be able to pay them in the future.
How I would try to use this project to make my own better is to present my project with a relate-able story. Since my project was about when some one imposes their views onto others especially religion I could include a story of someone who felt trapped in their parents beliefs. Although I have not been in this scenario, I believe most of the class could at least understand the situation.
Friday, December 13, 2013
Monday, December 2, 2013
Fear Factor Part 2
For my experiment I showed the class a video of one Rick Perry's presidential commercials and I was showing how someone with a mentality to force everyone to believe in what they do and if that person was president would be scary. For the most part the reaction from what I got from the class were what I expected. A few people laughed at what I but what I didn't expect was that I few people thought that I was condoning Rick Perry's video. I think if I were to run this experiment again I would show the video as I did but when I first explained the video I would instead be ecstatic about Rick Perry and say that he should have been our president to show how scary a person dedicated to those ideas would be.
Monday, November 25, 2013
Fear Factor Part One
I suppose there are a few ways to define fear. I think the most obvious is when people get startled when something pops up out of nowhere. Then there is creepy when something just looks and feels disturbing. Then there's what seems to be an irrational fear of objects like the fear of heights or spiders but we are afraid of these things because are ancestors have seen that falling is bad and some spiders have killed.
When I first show my experiment I don't think people will be scared at first. I think in order for people to completely understand why I am scared of my experiment I need to explain about it afterwards. In fact I think people will laugh when they see it.
When I first show my experiment I don't think people will be scared at first. I think in order for people to completely understand why I am scared of my experiment I need to explain about it afterwards. In fact I think people will laugh when they see it.
What The Bleep
I thought this was a very interesting movie. Although I thought this was too much information in a short period of time, I learned a lot about looking at the world a little bit differently. Never have I thought that some people would merge religion and science in that way. I have heard a little about quantum mechanics before this video and I still don't fully understand it. I heard an interesting quote about it the other day "If you think you understand quantum mechanics, you don't understand quantum mechanics." Even though I don't agree with everything the video shows, for example when the segment about when people thought of an emotion for a water drop, the water drop when then freeze to a particular shape; I still found this video very intriguing.
Monday, November 18, 2013
Class Take Away 9
Even though I am a visual learner I think that vision boards were kind of useless. I know that they are for inspiration but I would like to see more than just pictures of things of what I could have or places I would want to go. I would rather see something that would motivate me to be able to obtain these things, but everyone is different I suppose.
Monday, November 11, 2013
Vision Board
For My vision board I just made a simple webpage with a popup. My main roadblock that I see in my creative path is the technical ability to complete my projects. Usually when I start a project I think of a few ideas and then when I try to make them a reality I sometimes can't because I don't know I to make them work. So I made a popup that I learned to make with a few links that leads to a few websites that can help me met my goals for the projects that I plan.
Class Take Away 8
I found the bliss assignment interesting. I never really take time out of my day just for creative inspiration. Although I wasn't a big fan of the multiple questions that we should ask ourselves. I didn't find answering 25 what if's was very helpful.
Monday, October 28, 2013
Class Take Away 7
What I'm going to take away from his class is to try to find how to make time for myself to be creative. In my free time I would just watch tv or play video games but that wouldn't really spark my creativity. I'm going to have to find an environment that is going to bring out my creative side.
Monday, October 21, 2013
Getting to know you, getting to know all about your mask...
My partner for this assignment was Tianyu. His word was friendly. He is from China, went to school there for a few years then came to America. He is interested in 3d. For my project I decided to make a friendly 3d object. I don't know how to use any 3d software so I made an object appear to be 3d.
Class Take Away 6
I found it interesting that we got to learn a little bit about everyone in the class. Even though I don't usually like to talk about myself in front of a large group I got to let everyone know a little bit about myself. Through this exercise I got to get to know a little bit about everyone instead of just being in a classroom with a bunch of strangers.
Monday, October 7, 2013
Who am I and why am I here?
I haven't really taken a really close look at myself in a long time. To start this process I thought of what I wanted to do with my life and what direction I wanted to go with my career. I think this part is important because I believe what your passionate about defines a part of who you are. I then looked into the morals that I believe in. Since morals are subjective I believe that they are also an important part in finding out what kind of person I am. Why am I here is a much harder question to answer. I never really thought there was a reason why I am here or the human race for that matter. I believe I am here to live a good life and leave this world in a better place than when I got here.
Sunday, September 29, 2013
Curiouser and Curiouser
I was on my way walking to the student center when I noticed there was a man preaching about God and how everyone is a sinner and will go to hell unless they will accept Jesus. I didn't think much about it until some one gave me a card that said "Evolution vs God" and they told me that there was a url on the card that would lead to a movie about evolution. What I found was a guy name of Ray Comfort whom tried to prove that evolution was based on faith, therefore why should believe in God. For awhile I have been exploring religion and why I should believe and so far I've found no evidence. I'm a person that relies on evidence to trust in something and I haven't found that in religion and Ray Comfort's video doesn't help. I know that religion is based on faith but I have a hard time in having faith that a God created everything from nothing. But I digress from the assignment at hand. Also that day I noticed there was a lot more Jesus fish on the back of cars than I've noticed before. So I made the image below and also there is a link to the video.
Class Take Away 5
What stood out to me the most is the reason why we got our next assignment. I like that an assignment that allows me to be more aware of my surroundings. Usually I am in auto pilot mode and I don't pay attention to the little things around me. I suppose you could miss out on some things that you wished you didn't only if you would just pay attention a little more. Perhaps just pay opening my eyes more our taking a little time out of my day I can discover something new or gain inspiration towards a project.
Monday, September 23, 2013
Altered Book
I had a problem with this assignment since I am artistically challenged but I thought for awhile on what I could do. Eventually I came to the conclusion instead of altering the book I would use the information that I disliked and create something with it. The subject of the textbook which I am using is math, and the subject of math I hate with a passion is geometry. Usually I like math but there's something about geometry that I just don't get. I started doodling with shapes and I realized that if I put some triangles in a certain way I would get more triangles as a product (its kind of hard to explain). I thought this may be some kind of pattern so I did some research and I found this pattern called Sierpinski's triangle where he used a function to create an awesome looking triangle within triangles. Mine looked somewhat similar when I noticed all I had to do was take out some of the triangles I had in my pattern to look like his which I did. Below is the final product. I know it doesn't look perfect but in order for it to work they have to be perfect equilateral triangles which they aren't. I created this in Adobe Illustrator.
Class Take Away 4
Although we didn't spend much time in class there was one think that did stand out to me. When we were trying to figure what we could do with a can of water chestnuts, Beth realized we were looking at the situation too much inside the box. Instead of looking at just the water chestnuts we should have thought what we can do with the can. This got me thinking of a better idea for my altered book assignment. Instead of making the book that I dislike into something better instead I could use the information of which I don't like and make something out of it.
Sunday, September 8, 2013
I thought for a while on how can I break the rules of html without breaking it but I could not find one. The rules where made for a reason, and that reason is so that the webpage will be able to run without any problems. So I thought I would do a pun for this project. Created a blank page with a horizontal rule tag in the middle then replaced it with an image. I then placed an image of a hammer above it. The finished product is a hammer that appears to be breaking the horizontal rule. Bellow is a link to that page.
Class Take Away 2
After class I thought about how rules affect me and how I should view them. Most of the time I just thought if there was a rule there must be a good reason for the rule to exist. But now I believe I should look at rules and laws more critically and figure out why are they there and if they are worth following. Even though there are some laws that I usually don't follow (i.e. speed limits) but most of the time I tend to follow the law to the letter. With this new idea of critically thinking about rules is interesting, although as an aspiring programer, the rules must be followed unless you want to break what ever you are working on.
Sunday, August 25, 2013
The Egg and Eye
For my experiment I want to make a rubber like bouncy ball with the egg. I would just need the egg and some vinegar. I put the egg in the vinegar and let it sit for a day. During that time the vinegar reacted with the calcium in the egg shell to create a bouncy membrane. The egg bounced for awhile until it fell too hard and busted and the yolk and other insides spilled everywhere. Perhaps if you boiled the egg it will be less likely that the egg will bust.
Class Take Away 1
What stood out to me the most during our first class was the video we watched about choices. I always thought that more choices where good but after watching the video I learned that wasn't the case. I think it is still very important to have choices but they should be in a manageable quantity so it doesn't overwhelm us. Sometimes when I play a game that requires you to choose a class that requires you to choose a class our skills sometimes I think that the game could use more choices. But know I think those games where designed that way so that it would not overwhelm players.
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