Sunday, September 29, 2013

Curiouser and Curiouser

I was on my way walking to the student center when I noticed there was a man preaching about God and how everyone is a sinner and will go to hell unless they will accept Jesus.  I didn't think much about it until some one gave me a card that said "Evolution vs God" and they told me that there was a url on the card that would lead to a movie about evolution.  What I found was a guy name of Ray Comfort whom tried to prove that evolution was based on faith, therefore why should believe in God.  For awhile I have been exploring religion and why I should believe and so far I've found no evidence.  I'm a person that relies on evidence to trust in something and I haven't found that in religion and Ray Comfort's video doesn't help.  I know that religion is based on faith but I have a hard time in having faith that a God created everything from nothing.  But I digress from the assignment at hand.  Also that day I noticed there was a lot more Jesus fish on the back of cars than I've noticed before.  So I made the image below and also there is a link to the video.

Class Take Away 5

What stood out to me the most is the reason why we got our next assignment.  I like that an assignment that allows me to be more aware of my surroundings. Usually I am in auto pilot mode and I don't pay attention to the little things around me.  I suppose you could miss out on some things that you wished you didn't only if you would just pay attention a little more.  Perhaps just pay opening my eyes more our taking a little time out of my day I can discover something new or gain inspiration towards a project.

Monday, September 23, 2013

Altered Book

I had a problem with this assignment since I am artistically challenged but I thought for awhile on what I could do.  Eventually I came to the conclusion instead of altering the book I would use the information that I disliked and create something with it.  The subject of the textbook which I am using is math, and the subject of math I hate with a passion is geometry.  Usually I like math but there's something about geometry that I just don't get.  I started doodling with shapes and I realized that if I put some triangles in a certain way I would get more triangles as a product (its kind of hard to explain).  I thought this may be some kind of pattern so I did some research and I found this pattern called Sierpinski's triangle where he used a function to create an awesome looking triangle within triangles.  Mine looked somewhat similar when I noticed all I had to do was take out some of the triangles I had in my pattern to look like his which I did.  Below is the final product.  I know it doesn't look perfect but in order for it to work they have to be perfect equilateral triangles which they aren't.  I created this in Adobe Illustrator.

Class Take Away 4

Although we didn't spend much time in class there was one think that did stand out to me.  When we were trying to figure what we could do with a can of water chestnuts, Beth realized we were looking at the situation too much inside the box.  Instead of looking at just the water chestnuts we should have thought what we can do with the can.  This got me thinking of a better idea for my altered book assignment.  Instead of making the book that I dislike into something better instead I could use the information of which I don't like and make something out of it.

Sunday, September 8, 2013


I thought for a while on how can I break the rules of html without breaking it but I could not find one.  The rules where made for a reason, and that reason is so that the webpage will be able to run without any problems.  So I thought I would do a pun for this project.  Created a blank page with a horizontal rule tag in the middle then replaced it with an image.  I then placed an image of a hammer above it.  The finished product is a hammer that appears to be breaking the horizontal  rule.  Bellow is a link to that page.

Class Take Away 2

After class I thought about how rules affect me and how I should view them.  Most of the time I just thought if there was a rule there must be a good reason for the rule to exist.  But now I believe I should look at rules and laws more critically and figure out why are they there and if they are worth following.  Even though there are some laws that I usually don't follow (i.e. speed limits) but most of the time I tend to follow the law to the letter.  With this new idea of critically thinking about rules is interesting, although as an aspiring programer, the rules must be followed unless you want to break what ever you are working on.